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Alt 29.08.07, 17:21   #1
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Alt 31.08.07, 08:24   #2
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Alt 31.08.07, 22:07   #3
O Artik Bizden
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Gülmeyi Bilmeyen Gözler...

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unuttu bu gözler,
gözyaşı olmadan gün geçirmeyi...

gözlerime yansıyacak umutlarım kalmadı bu hayatta!

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Alt 10.03.15, 21:02   #4
Gece Gündüz Burda
Üyelik tarihi: Jun 2014
Nerden: Moldova
Mesajlar: 752
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Tesekkür almis 2.186 -> 366 Konu
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Alt 10.03.15, 23:55   #5
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Nerden: Moldova
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Alt 11.03.15, 00:00   #6
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Nerden: Moldova
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Alt 04.04.15, 05:39   #7
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Alt 11.03.15, 17:14   #9
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