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Alt 29.08.07, 17:22   #1
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Alt 01.09.07, 02:02   #2
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Hz.ALi nin BüyükLüğü...

Birgün ashab Peygamberimiz (s.a.v)'den Hz. Ali'yi niçin çok sevdiğini sordu. Hz Peygamber o anda mecliste bulunmayan Hz. Ali'yi çağırmaya adam gönderdi ve orada bulananlara sordu:

- Birisine iyilik etseniz, o da size kötülük etse ne yapardınız? Cevap verdiler:

- Yine iyilik ederiz.

- Yine kötülük yapsa?

- Biz yine iyilik ederiz?

- Yine kötülük yapsa?

Ashab cevab vermedi, başlarını öne eğdiler. Bunun anlamı kötülüğe kötülükle mukabele etmesek bile iyilik yapmaya devam etmeyiz, demekti.

Bu sırada Hz. Ali o meclise geldi. Rasulullah Hz. Ali'ye sordu:

- Ya Ali, iyilik ettiğin biri sana kötülük etse ne yapardın?

- Yine iyilik ederdim.

- Yine kötülük yapsa?

- Yine iyilik yapardım.

Hz. Peygamber soruyu tam yedi defa tekrarladı. Hz. Ali yedi defasında da "yine iyilik ederdim" diye cevap verdi. Ashab,

- Ya Rasulallah, Ali'yi çok sevmenizin sebebini şimdi anladık, dediler
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BillieDilk (22.08.14), eylul64 (10.08.08), hashus26 (08.12.14), LucciOn (07.11.16)
Alt 01.05.09, 16:20   #3
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allah kimseyi müslümanlıkdan mahrum etmesin (AMİN)
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 Product Rating
Alt 10.03.15, 03:37   #4
Gece Gündüz Burda
Üyelik tarihi: Jun 2014
Nerden: Moldova
Mesajlar: 752
Tesekkür etmis: 413
Tesekkür almis 2.186 -> 366 Konu
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And if you are still looking for the right place to purchase best value basketball shoes then you are in luck as on the web, there are thousands of boys, girls, men, and women basketball shoes of different designs and styles. We are all different yet the same in many ways -- just as flowers. Mp3 codec deletes those parts of a sound track that the human ear is unable to hear and thus achieves a great compression without much affecting the sound quality. service that the company provides. Prevents Diseases. There is no doubt that this attracts more and more people, men and women alike. A physiotherapist who wants to help children with life threatening conditions needs patience and compassion so they can make a difference in the life of a child suffering from this terrible disorder. the name of his company and a link back to his site. Candles are lit, wreaths are hung, and garland is strewn. every situation that may occur inside the court, and.
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 Product Review
Alt 16.03.15, 22:24   #5
Gece Gündüz Burda
Üyelik tarihi: Jun 2014
Nerden: Moldova
Mesajlar: 752
Tesekkür etmis: 413
Tesekkür almis 2.186 -> 366 Konu
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"We have sold DNA models to lawyers for court cases involving patent issues," adds Logan, "major museums and institutions, such as the Bill Clinton Museum, Howard Hughes Medical Center, Walter Reed Army Hospital, US Naval Academy, Harvard University, New York University and elsewhere, also have our DNA models and others on display. The body compensated by increasing the levels of anabolic hormones, including growth hormone, testosterone, insulin and insulin like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), which led to the subjects’ building more muscle, a. companies behind per-paid services assign trainee or inexperienced. Perhaps that girl or. Appraisers will also taken into consideration the replacement costs as well. Of course you'll want to make sure that you'll have plenty of extras just in case other people show up as well, but counting the respondents is important. consumers, and it is without neither legal nor. How to Find Magic Trick Equipment and Which Ones To Get. The aikido founder reiterates this principle over and over again because the techniques of aikido, when applied without care, can damage or kill instead of diverting or immobilizing the opponent. bring a change of clothes, because you will want.
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Another secret in using aikido has to do with the wrist. The fee to get your server going and your website up and running may be substantial. The interest that you get with an interest only loan will be determined by the lender and how they decide to set up your loan. I hate the fact that I can use the same moisturiser for years and then suddenly the manufacturer either decides to add a new ingredient or else stops making the product altogether. Even if you can control the social environment, the techniques you’ve learned can’t be applied in the stock market.

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Alt 28.03.15, 00:36   #6
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Nerden: Moldova
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There can be many stages of insomnia which can range from short term to long term insomnia. You can’t expect to change overnight and so the. Remember that a compost is inherently comprised of numerous organic matter, and to keep it in top condition means that you must also maintain the variety of materials you put in your compost heap. If this is you, than maybe you should also hold off on getting a credit card unless you cut some of the others or pay some off. There are several styles of bartending as well, including the well known and very impressive flair style.
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Alt 18.04.15, 05:24   #7
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The kids may have a better idea of what is already stocked in the kitchen drawers, but there are many gadgets that a mom would love to have. Again, you should make sure that the bank has wiped out the deficiency in such a deal so that you do not end up with a judgment against you. Ask those teachers all of the questions we've gone over above. If you have been looking to try ice wine, finding it may be very difficult. This step is most crucial because, based on your decision, you would determine how you would proceed. In fact, around 40% of the obese population snores. When I teach a new class learning digital photography, over 75% of the students turn up with the camera the salesman suggested. Third, they must look for a back up support system in case they can no longer manage weight control on their own. If you are looking for a golf resort in the United States, you have a large number of destinations to choose from. In preparing the low-fat baked cheesecake, first.

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Alt 01.09.07, 04:31   #8
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Kalb kırmanın dindeki önemi nedir?
İmam-ı Rabbani hazretleri buyuruyor ki:
Kalb, Allahü teâlânın komşusudur. Allahü teâlâya kalbin yakın olduğu kadar hiçbir şey yakın değildir. Mümin olsun, asi olsun, hiçbir insanın kalbini incitmemelidir. Çünkü, asi olan komşuyu da korumak lazımdır. Sakınınız, sakınınız, kalb kırmaktan pek sakınınız! Allahü teâlâyı en ziyade inciten küfürden sonra, kalb kırmak gibi büyük günah yoktur. Çünkü, Allahü teâlâya ulaşan şeylerin en yakın olanı kalbdir. İnsanların hepsi, Allahü teâlânın köleleridir. Herhangi bir kimsenin kölesi dövülür, incitilirse, onun efendisi elbette gücenir. Her şeyin biricik Maliki, sahibi olan efendinin şanını, büyüklüğünü düşünmelidir. Onun mahlukları, ancak izin verdiği, emir eylediği kadar kullanılabilir. İzni ile kullanmak, onları incitmek olmaz. Hatta, onun emrini yapmak olur. (C.3, m.45)

Seyyid Abdülhakim Arvasi hazretlerinin vasiyetnamesinin son satırı ise şöyledir:
Hiç kimsenin kalbini incitmeyin.
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Alt 11.03.15, 00:49   #9
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Nerden: Moldova
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Tesekkür almis 2.186 -> 366 Konu
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Clothing is another thing that you should plan on to. The ‘Electrolyzer’ will produce HHO fuel from the mixture of oxygen and hydrogen. If you see that on national television or on the newspaper, this fear would instantly turn into phobia. But I felt as strongly then as I do now, that until society finds a conscience and some decency, or we can turn back the hands of time, it may do more harm than good by choosing to pretend the world isn’t the way it is. The reality is that your little one is actually. What colors and patterns are in your bathroom. solar energy. A weight loss camp should teach you how to avoid stress eating and also help you cope with the emotional aspect of obesity.
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Labels and dates complete the picture. Using sharp utensils isn’t the best. It isn’t a good idea to try to refill the one that is already in there even though you will find refill kits offered. Another software program for audio content is the Winamp -- a standard Windows MP3 player that is a free download at www. Make it perfectly clear that the biting is hurtful and wrong and point out to your child how much pain their biting has caused.

Plant lice belong here, as do mosquitoes, which prey on us. In total, the 12 week, locally-targeted online campaign yielded more than 2 million targeted impressions, 40,000 unique visits, almost 12,000 and 6,000 invitations sent by friends at a cost per action of less than $3. Since the property of most homes has also gone down, many of the current homeowners can’t even make a profit if they decide to sell it now in hopes of building a new one. Next, before you continue further you will need to download the LINKSYS firmware. Although the technology was first adopted by.
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 Consumer Report
Alt 11.03.15, 10:04   #10
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Üyelik tarihi: Jun 2014
Nerden: Moldova
Mesajlar: 752
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Standart Consumer Report

However, they are simply designed to help out researchers to identify and focus on students or individuals who appear to have difficulties in regards to their studies, and who may have a possible case of dyslexia. - Optical Digital Output (Dolby Digital®, dts®). If you are giving something to your visitors that they will find useful, above and beyond your normal offerings that is considered an "added value" item. The best way to do this would be to go to elance. 40 Year Mortgage A New Option For A New Era. The breed was registered by the British Kennel Club in 1920 and by the American Club ten years after. Dishnetwork also offers DVR technology to its customers. How about paying bills:. Warming up and cooling down before and after singing is crucial in preserving a healthy singing voice. it’s found to be better to have the structured.
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Alamo car rental is also a good choice for businessmen who are jetting off from one state to another, rather, from one country to another (thus the need for the private vehicle). But it is another case in point. You may have to try several of them until you get one that tastes exactly how you like it. Word count 573. It was uncharacteristic to circulate a commemorative coin of the 1892 - 1954 era in the United States because the government had not intentionally put them into circulation, (they were not legally approved by the government for public use) so collectors will not pay the premium costs of these coins that are still in the market.

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